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Healthcare Post - Riya Dhiman (India)

How physical exercise can make your psychological state better…

What is health? It’s a state of physical, mental and social well being and well being is described as a feeling about yourself and your life. But are physical fitness and mental health related?

We already know that exercise is good for us and keeps us healthy BUT it can also help us think and act more positively whilst reducing the symptoms of stress and anxiety.

  • Scientific research confirms that people who exercise regularly tend to do so because it helps them feel happier and healthier about themselves and their lives. The science behind this is that when you start to exercise your heart pumps out more blood, more blood in the brain means more oxygen and nutrients in the brain. As a result, feel good chemicals are released called endorphins and your brain starts to get rid of chemicals that make you feel stressed and anxious.

  • Exercise tires our muscles and increases the production of melatonin- the sleep hormone which helps sleep better and deal with ups and downs of life efficiently.

  • Exercise is also believed to sharpen our mind by making our cognitive functioning better.

  • Exercise gives you a break from the situation so you can reflect and understand everything around you better.

Human body is made to work, run, dance and laugh.You don’t have to run a marathon to boost your mood, between 10 and 40 minutes is optimal. All movement counts - walk, run, stretch, dance, move your body in a way that makes you feel good.

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